“The images Jen created captured our brand at it’s heart”
Love what you do.
At JW, we take working with clients seriously because we know there is a lot of heart, soul and hard that goes into your business. Clients are drawn to our approach that like genuine and authentic images sprinkled with some whimsy and boldness. Since we customize everything we do here (just like I’m sure you do) we make sure we bring our personalized approach to all the clients we work with.
Eat with your eyes...
(and then your mouth)
At JW we take food pretty seriously, because let’s be honest, food is seriously good. As a self proclaimed “foodie” Jen loves the creative challenge involved with creating images that really represent the care and love that goes into a dish created by a chef.

Commercial Portraits
We take commercial portraits that aren’t boring and don’t require obnoxious set ups.
Product photography
Product photography is also something that’s pretty cool